Amboseli National Park
(This week is a guest post from my friend Ratia, who brings us a little something from Amboseli). Amboseli National Park is situated in Loitoktok District, approximately 240 Km from …

Lake Nakuru National Park; Wildlife Galore
It has been a while since I did a wildlife safari post, so this week we head to the Lake Nakuru National park. I cannot remember the last time I …

Kakamega Forest – a slab of tropical rain forest in Western Kenya
Kenya is renowned for its magnificent Game Parks, Reserves and idyllic tropical beaches. There are however large areas of the country that remain largely unknown and seldom visited, such as …

Petrified Forest in Sibiloi National Park
I’m still trying to gather credible information about some of the people (specifically the Gabbra, Dassanach,Turkana and Watta) of Northern Kenya

Tsavo West National Park adventure
The Tsavo West National Park; Most maps claim it’s only 240km from Nairobi, but this is only true if you use the Mtito Andei gate. Due to its sheer size …

Koobi Fora – Base Camp & Sunset Hues
The next part of the journey was the drive from North Horr to Sibiloi National Park. Our first and only stop in Chalbi Desert was at a place called Matiti …

Marsabit Nat. Park – Frontier Oasis
This is my second post in my Marsabit County series, the previous post was about my trip to Marsabit town and a bit about the town. Marsabit National Park is a …

Watamu Marine Park
Sam says he’ll take us to see sharks tomorrow. I was in Watamu visiting a friend and when she said that this is what ran through my mind -‘’Sharks?

Ruma Nat. Park – Off the beaten path
Ruma National Park was initially established as the Lambwe Valley Game Reserve in 1966 to protect its indigenous population of rare roan antelopes which exist nowhere else in Kenya.

The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust
This blog post has taken me ages to write. I have a pretty relaxed attitude towards blogging and if it weren’t for my boss this would probably have been up …

Kisite Mpunguti – Coral Splendour
Kisite Mpunguti is a marine park located on the south coast off Shimoni, south of Wasini Island Kwale District on the south Kenyan coast near the Tanzanian border. The marine area …

Marsabit National Park
The Marsabit National park lies in northern Kenya, about 560km north of Nairobi in Marsabit district. Mt. Marsabit forest is isolated by semi desert and desert, with vegetation ranging from

Hell’s Gate National Park
After a short hiatus, we are back with some pics of Hell’s gate national park. Hell’s Gate National Park covers an area of 68.25 square km and is situated in the …

A trip to the Maasai Mara
I guess there’s more to Kenya than the stereotypes. But I’ll hit you with one of those stereotypical images today. The Maasai Mara.For the non-African readers, I’d like to point out that …